公司简介: BlueX Microelectronics is a fabless semiconductor company that designs, develops and market wireless SoC for IOT and wearable applications. It was founded in 2015 by Silicon Valley Semiconductor veterans. Our founding team has been working together for 14 years and had developed a cutting edge architecture that can reduce both the area and power of wireless transceiver design. In transistor level design, our subthreshold design methodology has enable us to have 10X power reduction in our applied field. Our seasoned software and application team has made the use of our Bluetooth 5.0 chip BX2400 easy and fun. We have customers spread across Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan and USA. Armed with strategic partners and Tier-1 investor, our company will be the fastest growing IC design house in the semiconductor industry. 芯录微系合肥联睿微电子科技有限公司下属子公司,主要研发新一代低耗蓝牙系统核心芯片技术及其在可穿戴、物联网等领域的应用。针对手环和可穿戴设备,研发包括低功耗SoC蓝牙芯片BX2400和超低功耗锂电池保护芯片BX100的可穿戴芯片组,集成手环内除MEMS传感器之外的所有功能。 本公司和台积电公司合作,采用世界上最先进的CMOS亚阈值模型,设计全球最低功耗的芯片。蓝牙芯片采用了台积电最先进的40nm ULP(超低功耗)工艺,集成了射频,基带,MAC, ARM CPU,电源充放电管理,触摸和心率测试等功能。硅谷海归创业公司,专注IOT无线芯片领域,客户覆盖中国/美国/日本。
