公司简介: ARM® is at the heart of the world's most advanced digital products. Our technology enables the creation of new markets and transformation of industries and society. We design scalable, energy efficient-processors and related technologies to deliver the intelligence in applications ranging from sensors to servers, including smartphones, tablets, enterprise infrastructure and the Internet of Things. Our innovative technology is licensed by ARM Partners who have shipped more than 50 billion Systems on Chip (SoCs) containing our intellectual property since the company began in 1990. Together with our Connected Community, we are breaking down barriers to innovation for developers, designers and engineers, ensuring a fast, reliable route to market for leading electronics companies. With offices around the world, ARM is a diverse community of dedicated, innovative and highly talented professionals. By enabling an inclusive, meritocratic and open workplace where all our people can grow and succeed, we encourage our people to share their unique contributions to ARM's success in the global marketplace.
试想一下,当你出门上班,汽车已停在家门口等候,一路上,你的汽车根据路况和周边环境,自动为你调整车道,安全抵达公司后,立即为你寻找泊车位,等待你下班再次唤醒出发 图片来
苹果高通缠讼 2 年,达成世纪和解
苹果(Apple)与高通(Qualcomm)16 日表示,同意和解,撤销全球所有进行中的专利诉讼。两家公司为了权利金争议缠讼 2 年。高通股价在华尔街股市应声飙涨超过 23%,是近 20 年来最佳单
NAND Flash存储器受益 数据中心市场需求持续增长
据分析机构最新数据,因数据中心对市场的带动作用,2019年第四季度NAND Flash总出货量季增近10%,市场逐渐供不应求。