公司简介: ZESTRON, as global leader in precision cleaning ever since 1975, is offering to our valued customers with consistent leading services and innovative products. Well-known customers from the aerospace industry, automotive industry, military and high-tech industry have successfully been using ZESTRON products in their production for many years. The know-how and experience gained with over 1500 cleaning processes installed worldwide, gives ZESTRON’s customers maximum assurance that the optimal cleaning process will be developed. To support Asian customers instantly and locally, ZESTRON has set up its state-of-art Application Centers in both north and south Asia based in Shanghai and Kulim. We’re always looking for passionate, talented people being part of a dynamic team, dedicated professionals are expected. Qualified and committed employees are ZESTRON’s most important asset.
据国家企业信用信息公示系统显示,紫光展锐(上海)科技有限公司(以下简称 紫光展锐 )工商信息于6月2日发生了变更。信息显示,在此次工商信息变更后,紫光展锐的注册资本从此
三星宣布已经开始量产该公司的5G芯片,涵盖调制解调器芯片Exynos Modem 5100、无线射频收发芯片Exynos RF 5500,以及电源控制芯片Exynos SM 5800,这3款芯片皆同时支援5G NR的sub-6 GHz频段及旧有的
美国反垄断机构审查亚马逊17亿美元收购机器人制造商 iRobot 的交易
对 iRobot 的审查涉及范围很广,既包括正面竞争,也包括该交易是否会在整体上非法提高亚马逊在联网设备市场和零售市场的份额。
苹果寻求三星供应 5G 基频芯片遭拒绝!三星:产能不足
因苹果与高通专利权官司,导致苹果放弃使用高通芯片,改采用英特尔基频芯片搭配 iPhone 手机。因英特尔 5G 基频芯片要到至少 2020 年之后才量产,导致苹果 5G iPhone 难产。之前市场传出