公司简介: ZESTRON, as global leader in precision cleaning ever since 1975, is offering to our valued customers with consistent leading services and innovative products. Well-known customers from the aerospace industry, automotive industry, military and high-tech industry have successfully been using ZESTRON products in their production for many years. The know-how and experience gained with over 1500 cleaning processes installed worldwide, gives ZESTRON’s customers maximum assurance that the optimal cleaning process will be developed. To support Asian customers instantly and locally, ZESTRON has set up its state-of-art Application Centers in both north and south Asia based in Shanghai and Kulim. We’re always looking for passionate, talented people being part of a dynamic team, dedicated professionals are expected. Qualified and committed employees are ZESTRON’s most important asset.
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,格创东智QMS SaaS具备低成本、易部署和易运维、高灵活性和可扩展性、可促进信息共享和整合、快速适应市场变化等特点。同时,还具备可视化分析、智能分析决策等功能。