公司简介: 海派世通總部位於德國康士坦斯(Konstanz),於 1990 年建立,並於2004 年 10 月在台灣成立公司。本公司除了身為一高科技的跨國企業,更是全世界第一個成功 整合 RISC+DSP 高性能微處理器的公司,搭配自行研發的高效 能多工作業系統,成功應用在各種 Internet 及手持式產品上,尤其是數位相機及 Compact、Flash Card。Hyperstone, an IC design house, is a leading provider of 32-bit RISC/DSP microprocessors which are used in embedded computer systems, such as digital still cameras, flash memory cards and communication-related applications. In our headquarters in Germany, we develop our processor architecture, including all necessary software required to use our products in complete systems. In our daughter company Hyperstone Asia Pacific we develop system applications and do local technical customer service for the Asia Pacifc rim.Hyperstone is in its field very successful and since many years profitable. We belong to a holding organization specialized in semiconductors which itself is public at the London stock exchange.公司理念海派世通為扁平決策結構。我們重視自我責任感,在日常工作中自我激勵,對公司和員工忠誠度高。我們的年輕團隊具有良好的精神、優秀的產品和技術。在我們的組織裡,您將有機會在令人感興趣的市場上與不同國籍的人共事。Company philosophyOur company has a flat decision structure. We value self-responsibility, self-motivation in the daily work and a high loyalty towards our company and our staff members. We are a team of young people with good spirit, excellent products and skills. In our organization you will experience in dealing with people of various nationality acting in exciting markets.
苹果5G iPhone将自研AiP模块 相关公司已有技术储备
据产业链多重信息显示,苹果计划在今年推出多款5G iPhone,苹果5G iPhone将自研天线封装(AiP)模块,不再对外采购。支持更高的毫米波频段将会成为5G手机后续的演进方向。目前AiP天线的
日经:苹果若推 5G 手机,5G 网络或加速成形
苹果和高通达成世纪大和解,5G iPhone 明年有望问世,外界估计新机可引爆买气,促使电信业者砸钱布建 5G 网络。日经新闻报导,建设 5G 网络成本高昂,部分业者态度保守。日本电信商