公司简介: ESPROS Photonics AGESPROS Photonics is a leader in design and manufacturing of innovative 3D time-of-flight imaging semiconductors and modules for the industrial, automotive, healthcare and consumer markets. Our technology leadership is the result of a unique combination of high performance CCD imaging, complex CMOS circuitry and cost efficient packaging. We provide best in class solutions for complex low light, high speed and hyper-spectral imaging applications operating in the UV, VIS and NIR wave lengths of the light spectrum.The production of photonics chips with superior characteristics need specific processes and technologies that are different from standard CMOS. Thus, normal CMOS fabs do not control these technologies. They are optimized to CMOS only. On the other hand, manufacturers of excellent CCD and CMOS camera chips are focused on the mass consumer markets and do not like to fulfill customer specific requirements, especially when it comes to integrated image and signal processing. Therefore, sourcing of integrated photonics chips with superior optical characteristics is almost impossible. ESPROS' unique Photonic CMOS Process Technology is the answer to this dilemma.Espros Photonics AG is a privately owned company. It was founded in 2006 by Beat De Coi. Today, Espros Photonics is a fully developed IC design and manufacturing company with more than 50 employees working in our Swiss headquarter. Additionally, we operate a dedicated design center in China with >10 highly qualified IC design specialists and a sales office in Minneapolis USA.
一张光盘大小的形状、厚度仅0.5毫米的SiC(碳化硅)单晶衬底,却能解决 卡脖子 问题 今年,随着新基建风口的兴起,碳化硅的发展迎来新时代,基于碳化硅研发的电子元器件正更多地推广
紫光国微持续加码芯片研究 2022年研发投入同比增44.32%