公司简介: Milara Inc. was incorporated in Massachusetts in 2001 by Krassy Petkov, Milara's CEO and a driving force in the Surface Mount Technology (SMT) and Semiconductor Industries(SI). Under Mr. Petkov's able management, the company has diversified from a manufacturer of screen printers into a multi-faceted developer, manufacturer and service provider of medium to high-end manual and fully robotic wafer printing/bumpings systems, semiconductor atmospheric and vacuum robots by the brand of Diamond and EQUIPE and substrate custom based atmospheric systems and loaders. Provider of mechanical and electrical engineering design services ranging from concept to computer numerical control (CNC) manufacturing, electrical component integration, printed circuit boards (PCB) and cable assembly design and testing.Milara is also contract engineering and manufacturing vendor of complex mechanical & electronic products such as the United States Army's Talon robot series. The company, an ISO 9001 Certified Company, is a leading provider of OEM design services, and holds several process, ultrasonic and vibration technology patents - a key differentiator in the markets it serves.
2020年8月25日,兆易创新发布了对全资子公司增资公告称,拟使用募集资金对全资子公司上海思立微电子科技有限公司(以下简称 上海思立微 ),增资额为1亿元。公告显示,兆易创新本
炬芯科技周正宇:Actions Intelligence 端侧AI音频芯未来
江苏自由贸易试验区获批 将建国家IC设计服务产业创新平台
近期,华为旗下投资公司哈勃科技投资有限公司(以下简称 哈勃科技 )密集布局半导体产业链。仅2020年11月,哈勃科技便投资了三家半导体公司。11月23日,宁波润华全芯微电子设备有