公司简介: GLOBALFOUNDRIES is the world's only semiconductor foundry with a truly global manufacturing and technology footprint, with 18,000 employees spanning Asia, Europe and the Americas serving over 250 customers including the world’s leading technology companies. We focus on the processes and platforms that will drive markets, so customers with a shared vision of the future can shape their industries.This is more than just a job, it's your fingerprint on the future. An opportunity to make semiconductors core to reshaping our lives and providing connectivity to billions, that are helping realize the Internet of Things and redefining transportation. GLOBALFOUNDRIES China was born with the acquisition of IBM's semiconductor manufacturing business. The IBM Microelectronics acquisition has added additional fabs, a huge portfolio of patents and a large and highly experienced development team. With a heritage of more than two decades in Singapore and an expanding presence in China and India, come join some of the brightest and most innovative people in the industry. Work with industry-leading customers to facilitate innovations you can feel proud of. Work you truly enjoy taking home.
东芝停电后续:西数闪存晶圆供应量减少约6 ExaByte
比亚迪表示,本次分拆将从根本上提高比亚迪半导体的公司治理水平和财务透明度,并实 现其与本公司的业务分离。
三星公布Exynos 9825芯片消息 性能提升关键在于7纳米制程
就在即将发布新一代旗舰级智能手机Galaxy Note 10系列之前,三星7日首先公布了新一代高端处理器Exynos 9825的相关资讯。根据内容指出,这款移动处理器采用了三星的7纳米EUV制程,号称可