公司简介: MAGILLEM IS A LEADING PROVIDER OF COMPLEX DESIGN FLOW AND CONTENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS.Magillem has developed an easy-to-use, state of the art platform to cover electronic systems design flow challenges in a context where complexity, interoperability and design re-use are becoming critical issues to manage design cycle time of SoC.Magillem integrated design environment offers a non-disruptive framework, a backbone to the design flow, providing fluidity, flexibility, seamless execution of the entire flow and better control to designers.Thanks to early focus on XML, the company has quickly become a specialist of design and content automation, offering a multi-industry and cross-disciplinary approach to its clients.Magillem’s innovative technology now enables the integration of specification, design and documentation into a unique process.Magillem solutions allow organizations which produce a large amount of data and heterogeneous documents from various sources, to reuse compounded and accumulated knowledge, providing management of valuable business content and productivity gains, without disturbing existing processes.Clients are first tier SoC manufacturers, content publishers and high-end industrials engaged in the research, design, development and integration of advanced technology systems and products, or complex content publishing.
6月22日,上交所正式受理了江苏微导纳米科技股份有限公司(以下简称为 微导纳米 )科创板上市申请。据招股书显示,微导纳米以原子层沉积(以下简称 ALD )技术为核心,致力于先进
性能测试工具上线!畅玩《黑神话:悟空》 固态硬盘选致态
密集投资 家电企业“造梦”半导体
2019年,对于中国半导体领域的企业,是机遇与挑战并存的一年。中国5G商用牌照正式发放,代表着人工智能、物联网、自动驾驶、智慧城市等诸多势能将逐渐从 概念 步入生活,作为高科
东芝停电最新进展:复工时间尚未明朗 西数零售市场或将涨价10-15%