公司简介: Electronics trading companies are expected to understand customer needs accurately and respond to them quickly. Tomen Electronics fulfills this expectation by capitalizing on the following four strengths:GLOBALWe provide the customer with regionally tailored support services by utilizing our overseas network and borderless cooperation, in order to meet the customer’s globalization strategy.SPIRITWe accurately comprehend the customer’s needs, and passionately devote ourselves to delivering the solutions.VALUEWe extend our services to complement and enhance the customer’s capabilities in the areas of designing, manufacturing, testing, and logistics - Build and Support Value Chain.GROUP NETWORKWe collaborate with members of the Toyota Tsusho group, taking advantage of the group’s strength and expertise.
加快集成电路产业发展 广东要这样做(附图)
台积电3纳米厂通过审议 最快2022年底量产
2019汽车半导体暨毫米波雷达大会 7月苏州盛大启航
大力发展军民两用芯片 航锦科技寻求国家大基金等支持
此前由于估价异常波动,航锦科技于1月22日收到深交所下发的关注函。关注函中,深交所要求航锦科技对其近期披露的子公司长沙韶光收购武汉导航院10.67%股权、以及在 互动易 平台上回