公司简介: Pixelworks has always been committed to displaying the very highest video quality. We derive and market products from our innovative Video Display Processing technology. This has resulted in a strong IP portfolio that contains over 120 patents related to the visual display of digital image data. We believe every screen, no matter how big or small, deserves the highest picture quality. This belief has driven us to develop technology that spans the range from digital projection systems and large flat panel displays to small, low power mobile applications. We also develop innovative methods to applying our core technologies to reduce overall system power and help reduce the bandwidth burden that comes with the display of high-resolution video.
兆易创新将对思立微增资3亿元 将投入这三大项目
10月29日,北京兆易创新科技股份有限公司(以下简称 兆易创新 )发布公告称,为落实2019年重大资产重组相关后续事项,公司董事会审议通过了《关于使用募集资金对全资子公司增资的
贺利氏在PCIM Asia 2021展会上展出功率电子封装解决方案
2019年11月15日,紫光集团宣布:任命坂本幸雄(Yukio Sakamoto)为紫光集团高级副总裁兼日本分公司CEO。紫光集团目前是中国大型集成电路领军企业,坂本幸雄将借助紫光集团的整体优势,
芯动态|华润微电子:产线全面复工 扛起国产芯片使命担当