公司简介: Located in San Diego, California - Express Logic's mission is to provide the absolute best quality software solutions for deeply embedded applications. In addition to providing the very best software products, we philosophically believe in licensing our products in anon-royalty fashion along with providing complete source code. This combination of having superior products and a practical business model is paying huge dividends. The name recognition and popularity of ThreadX is growing tremendously from year to year.The future looks even brighter. Recent market research shows that other RTOS companies are showing relatively flat growth in market share as well as indications of future market share. In contrast, the same studies show that ThreadX market share is doubling annually and indications of future ThreadX market share are growing by a factor of four. Indeed, having the highest quality, no-royalty, source-code RTOS solution is paying off!Early commercial RTOS companies were able to charge royalties largely because there was little competition. In addition, early RTOS customers were typically not making products in high production volumes. During the last ten years, the competition has definitely increased, but even more importantly, the RTOS customer has changed significantly, says William E. Lamie, president & CEO of Express Logic. Rapid advances in microprocessor technology have made possible brand new classes of wireless and hand-held products. Many of these new products are resource sensitive and are targeted for high-volume production, which is where our deeply embedded technology focus and no run-time royalty model is particularly well suited. The best news of all is that this is the fastest growing segment of the RTOS market!
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