公司简介: R&D Altanova, founded in 1969, is the leading provider of full turn-key test interface solutions to many of the world's largest integrated device manufacturers, fabless semiconductor companies and semiconductor foundries. Solutions include the simulation, design, layout, fabrication, and component & mechanical assembly of test interface boards, which are used in the testing of advanced integrated circuits that are incorporated into a wide range of end products including servers, mobile phones, wireless infrastructure equipment, personal workstations, and automobiles.Celebrating over forty years of excellence in leading-edge, technology driven, quick-turn printed wiring board manufacturing, we specialize in advanced automated test environment interface boards for the semi-conductor test market. With offices in New Jersey, California, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Costa Rica, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan, R&D Altanova has grown rapidly over the past several years, recently completing a private equity investment by Riverside Partners, a fund focused on growth-oriented companies in the technology industry.Website:
Gartner:2021 年全球半导体收入5950 亿美元,三星第一
三星电子自 2018 年以来首次从英特尔手中夺回头把交椅,在前 10 名中,AMD 和联发科在 2021 年经历了最强劲的增长,分别为 68.6% 和 60.2%。
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完善光刻胶领域布局 雅克科技拟收购江苏科特美45%股权
2020年8月28日,雅克科技发布公告称,基于公司总体战略规划,为进一步完善在光刻胶领域的布局,公司与江苏科特美新材料有限公司(以下简称 江苏科特美 )控股股东许春栋签署《股