公司简介: 世芯电子(上海)有限公司是由美国硅谷工程师创办的外商独资企业,主要提供Fabless ASIC芯片设计技术服务。我们拥有世界一流芯片设计的团队,多次为海外公司成功地提供了基于45纳米µm、低功耗工艺的大型高端芯片的设计服务。 高尖端的科技是您通往事业之路的桥梁,理想的工作环境是您展示才华的舞台,现招聘致力于芯片设计的卓越人才加入我们: About Us Alchip Technologies Limited was founded in 2002 by semiconductor veterans from Silicon Valley and Japan with a business focus on turnkey fabless ASIC production for System-on-Chip (SoC) designs. The founding team has more than fifteen years experience on average in successfully developing high-complexity SoC products and has 100% first silicon success track record. As chip complexity increases and process technology advances, physical design becomes the bottleneck of chip creation. According to Collett International Research, more than 65% of IC/ASIC designs required re-spins in 2003, seriously impacting product schedule and putting companies under tremendous time-to-market pressure. With excellent design expertise and proven SoC design methodology, Alchip enables customers achieve one-pass silicon success and therefore meet customers faster-time-to-market. In addition to enabling customers faster-time-to-market, Alchip also helps customers reduce cost through design and product engineering. Facing today’s competitive markets, most semiconductor companies are under great cost pressure. Alchip endows customers cost advantage over competitors in the increasingly competitive markets. In summary, customers will be able to focus on chip functionality and system design by outsourcing physical design and chip production to Alchip. Alchip’s leading-edge solutions ensure customers faster time to market and improved cost efficiency. It is a win-win for both sides. Alchip currently has offices in Silicon Valley, Shin-Yokohama, Hsin-Chu, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
I501010 產品設計業 IZ99990 其他工商服務業 F401010 國際貿易業 研究、開發、設計、生產、製造及銷售下列產品: 1.特殊應用積體電路設計(ASIC) 2.系統單晶片(SOC)新闻动态
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